Sanger DNA sequencing service using Applied Biosystems 3730xl DNA Analyzer technology

In addition to regular service, CES offers a BaseXpress sequencing service (certain conditions apply; contact the Client Management Office for details).

Sanger-type sequencing is widely used to sequence plasmid DNA to verify, for example, the integrity of a gene inserted in an expression vector, or to resequence a target region of a genome and detect the presence of genetic variations (see SNP discovery service).

PCR product purification is included with the sequencing service.

Sanger sequencing is most suitable for small to medium range sequencing projects. For large-scale sequencing projects, please contact the Client Management Office to determine the most appropriate high-throughput sequencing technology..

More details can be found in the User Guide.

The Sanger sequencing methodology is described in the following web site:

To initiate a sequencing request:

For information on the prerequisites for sample submission, please consult the Sanger Request Form and send the Excel file as well as a signed copy by the PI of the project to the Client Management Office.

More information regarding the requirement are available in the Sanger User Guide. Help documents explaining the steps involved in sample submission, and a tutorial on interpreting results and troubleshooting are also available.

Clients Management Office
Telephone : 514 398-7211
Email :