Financed projects
C. elegans: The Nematode as a Model Organism
A blood test for individualized treatments for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis
A cell microfactory platform for in vivo biosynthesis and delivery of genetically encoded natural products and synthetic antibodies
A development and deployment platform for citizen science games in genomics
A genetic toolbox for tomato flavour differentiation
A genomic platform for RNA interference screening to identify signalling pathways involved in cancer
A Haplotype Map of the Human Genome - Biomedical Tool for Genetic Research in Canada
A highly sensitive monitoring tool for the real-time detection of tree pathogens
A machine learning approach to decipher protein-protein interactions in human plasma
A Metagenomic Approach to Evaluate the Impact of Cheesemaking Technologies and Ripening Conditions on the Microbial Ecosystem of Premium Washed Rind Cheeses
A Platform for Automated Yeast Genome Engineering (PAYGE)
A Quantitative and Comprehensive Atlas of Gene Expression in Mouse Development
A Risk Prediction Tool for Chemotherapy-Induced Painful Peripheral Neuropathy
A Syst-OMICS approach to ensuring food safety and reducing the economic burden of salmonellosis
A Tool to Monitor and Identify Pathogens in Ticks
A Tool to Optimize the Disinfection of Hospital Sink Drains
A toolkit for genome-wide association studies in bacteria
AI model predicting microbial interactions to drive biocontrol solutions
AI models to predict response to drug combinations in poor outcome cancer patients
All for One Policy Toolkit
ALPHAgenomics: integrating genomics and phenomics for the swine industry
An Integrated and Distributed Bioinformatics Platform for Genome Canada
An Integrated Genetic/Physical Genome Map for the Old World Monkey, Cercopithecus Aethiops
An integrative platform for metabolomics and systems biology
An mRNA strategy to restore CTNS expression in Cystinosis
Antibacterial drug discovery guided by Artificial Intelligence
Antibody characterization through open science
ApiOmic, honeybee breeding and selection using genomics
Application of Pharmacogenomics for Rational Chemotherapy of Lung Cancer
Arborea II: Genomics for Molecular Breeding in Softwood trees. Discovery of Gene Markers to Enhance the Productivity and Value of Spruce through Integrated Functional Genomics and Association Mapping
Assembly of a massive data set to train a predictor of small molecules targeting RNAs
Assessing Eastern filbert blight resistance in hazelnut seedlings for genetic improvement in Nordic climates
Assessing watercourse quality with DNA from microscopic algae
Assessment of Risk for Colorectal Tumors in Canada (ARCTIC)
Atlantic Cod Genomics and Broodstock Development
Atlantic Medical Genetic and Genomics Initiative (AMGGI)
Atlas of Genomic Profiles of Steroid Action
ATRAPP – Algal blooms, treatment, risk assessment, prediction and prevention through genomics
Autism Genome Project
Avian coccidiosis in broiler chickens: natural products to counteract drug resistance
BEGAB: Budwork EcoGenomics: applications and technologies
Better Biomarkers of Acute and Chronic Allograft Rejection
Bioinformatics and Artificial Intelligence to leverage predictive models of dairy production
Bioinformatics of Mammalian Gene Expression
Bioinformatics tools for integrative 3D epigenomics
Bioprocess development for lactose valorization
BioSurveillance of Alien Forest Enemies (BioSAFE)
Boosting Entrepreneurial Skills and Training: BEST in Genomics!
Bovine Genome Sequencing Program: Full-length cDNA Sequencing
Bridging Comparative, Population and Functional Genomics to Identify and Experimentally Validate Novel Regulatory Regions and Genes for Crop Improvement
Bridging the Emerging Genomics Divide
Bridging the ProteoGenomics Gap for Personalized Medicine Using Transformative Mass Spectrometry Technologies
Building a GE3LS Architecture (GE3LS Arc)
Building The Metabolomics Toolbox: Enabling Rapid Disease Diagnosis Through Metabolic Profiling
Canadian Barcode of Life Network
Canadian Centre for Computational Genomics
Canadian Data Integration Centre
Canadian International Data Sharing Initiative to accelerate health-care innovation
Canadian Program on Genomics and Global Health
Cancer Genomics: The Early Stages of Cancer
Cell therapy of cystinosis
Central nervous system-directed gene therapy to improve ataxia and neurodegeneration in a Pex16 mouse model
Centre for Advanced Proteomic and Chemogenomic Analyses
Chemical genetic screens for TDP-43 modifiers and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis therapeutics
Chemogenomics-Driven Drug Discovery in the Human Fungal Pathogen, Candida albicans
Chemotherapy or No Chemotherapy after Breast Surgery?
Chips for better chops: Commercial application of genomics for accelerated swine genetic improvement
Citizen Science to Accelerate Metagenomic Data Curation in AAA Video Games
CLEANSED – Diagnosis of clean plant extraction sequencing for clean vines in Canada
Climate-Smart Data Collaboration Centre (CS-DCC)
CoAdapTree: Healthy trees for future climates
Commercialization and Society and its Policy and Strategic Implications
Comparative and Functional Genomics of the Human Pathogen Cryptococcus Neoformans
Comparative Structural and Functional Spruce Genomics
Comprehensive genomic analysis of patients with congenital heart disease
Computation of cell-specific microRNA::mRNA regulatory networks enables the design of efficient RNAi-based therapeutics
Computational methods and databases to identify small RNA-binding molecules regulating gene expression
Conifer Forest Health Genomics
Consortium for Genomic Research on All Salmonids Project (cGRASP)
Control and optimization of the microbial flora of an aquaponic system
Creation of a Tunable Microbial strain for production of specific sophorolipids
CRISPR-based genetic screens, artificial intelligence, ultra-high throughput in silico screens, medicinal chemistry, antiviral drug discovery
Crowdsourcing Genomic Databases
Crowdsourcing sequence alignments in a AAA game for microbiome research
Crowdsourcing the analysis of environmental metagenomic data for biodiversity and antimicrobial resistance genes through a AAA video game
Deciphering mechanisms of epigenetic alterations in cancer using 3D-genomics-informed deep learning
Decoding the cancer epigenome with novel AI discovery tools
Deep learning for precision medicine by joint analysis of gene expression profiles measured through RNA-Seq and microarrays
Deep learning methods in biomedical research: from genomics to multi-omics approaches
Delivering precision medicine in pediatric hemato-oncology by integrating clinical genomics into the care pathway
Democracy, Ethics and Genomics: Consultation, Deliberation and Modeling
Designing Oilseeds for Tomorrow’s Markets
Detecting chromosome anomalies in pediatric leukemia using new DNA analysis technology
Detecting Ovarian and Endometrial Cancer Early Using Genomics (DOvEEgene)
Determining the repertoires and therapeutic potential of RNA binding proteins that undergo sequestration by toxic repeat RNA in spinocerebellar ataxias
Determining the role of the paternal epigenome in offspring health
Developing a personalized plasma-based approach for the detection of minimal residual disease in breast cancer
Developing a simple machine to help doctors properly diagnose patients in remote communities
Developing an inexpensive blood-based diagnostic test for Crohn’s disease
Developing the Canadian Sheep Production using Genomics
Developing the Next Generation PD-L1 Assays Using Precision Mass Spectrometry
Developing water quality guidelines from genes of native fish larvae
Development and application of new machine learning tools to tackle current and future viral pandemics
Development and Applications of Functional Genomics Technologies
Development and implementation of a toolkit for genomics-assisted breeding in soybean
Development and validation of a genomic-based diagnostic tool of the virulence profile of Phytophthora sojae, a major pathogen of soybean
Development and validation of a web-based platform for environmental omics and toxicology
Development and Validation of Comparative Genomic Hybridization Arrays for Clinical Use in Cancer
Development of a Novel Cyclin K Degrader of High-risk AML Patients and Associated Genomic Features
Development of a predictive tool for micro and macrovascular complications in patients with Type 2 Diabetes
Development of a tool for molecular characterizations of soil functionalities and validation of the effectiveness of a soil inoculation process
Development of Comprehensive Cytogenomics and Molecular Genetics Testing Using an Exome and Low-Pass Whole Genome Sequencing Combined Approach
Developping a machine learning framework to dissect gene expression control in subcellular space
Digital Omics of Single Exosomes
Dissecting Gene Expression Networks in Mammalian Organogenesis
Dissecting the pathogenic mechanisms of CANVAS to develop further therapeutic strategies
DNA Sequencing Facility
DNA sequencing for Bacterial and Antimicrobial Resistance Genes Identification
Duplicated DNA in neurodevelopmental-diseases and evolution
EcoToxChip: A toxicogenomics tool for chemical prioritization and environmental management
Efficient Identification and Cloning of Single Gene Deletions in the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
Enhancing Canola Through Genomics
Enhancing fertility assessment in male broiler breeders through blood markers
Epigenetic selection for heat tolerance in dairy calves
Epigenomics Secure Data Sharing Platform for Integrative Analyses (EpiShare)
Establishing therapeutic cord blood-derived NK cells for hard-to-treat cancers through omics based and pharmacological activators
Exploiting the power of whole genome sequencing for attribution of the source of Legionnaires' disease cases
Expression Profiles of Cells and Tissues in C. elegans
Fast tests for rating and amelioration of conifers (FastTRAC)
Fast track diagnosis of stress, disease, phenology and growth - Drone-based high-throughput field phenotyping for genome assisted tree breeding and selection (FastPheno)
FastTRAC II: Fast Tests for Rating and Amelioration of Conifers 2
Feasibility of using an advanced fungal platform to reduce the production cost of biopharma molecules for livestock
Fiber Optic Nucleic Acid Biosensor Based Gene Profiling: Proof of Principle by Screening for Drug Leads for Orphan Neurodegenerative Disorders and SNP Analysis
Finding of Rare Disease Genes in Canada (FORGE Canada)
FISHES: Fostering Indigenous Small-scale fisheries for Health, Economy, and food Security
FLOWTER (Floating Wetland Treatments to Enhance Remediation)
Forestry Genomics: Mechanisms of Wood Formation and Pest Resistance in Forest Trees using Spruce, Poplar and Arabidopsis
Four-Dimensional Modelling of Genetic Disease Patterns
Functional Annotation of Essential Alternatively Spliced Isoforms
Functional Genomics and Proteomics of Model Organisms
Functional Genomics for Emerging Infectious Diseases (PREPARE Project)
Functional Genomics of Arabidopsis
Functional Genomics of Abiotic Stress in Crops
Functional Genomics of Regulation in Forest Trees
Functional Genomics of Type 1 Diabetes
Functional Genomics, Pharmacogenomics and Proteomics of the Immune Response in Health and Immune Related Disorders
Functional Pathogenomics of Mucosal Immunity
GE3LS Network in genomics and personalized health
GenCOUNSEL: Optimization of genetic counselling for clinical implementation of genome-wide sequencing
Genetic Determinants of Human Health and Disease
Genetic Determinants of Human Health and Disease: Annotation of Chromosome 7
Genetic Dissection of Complex Traits Using Phenotypic and Expression Analysis of Recombinant Congenic Mouse Strains
Genetic exploration: revealing the concealed health of our national park
Genetic tools for early detection of aquatic exotic invasive plants in Québec waters
Genetics of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Genome BC Science and Technology Platforms
Genome sequencing and biological signature for the diagnosis of hereditary angioedema with normal C1 inhibitor
Genome wide Essential Gene Identification in Candida albicans and Applications to Antifungal Drug Discovery
Genome-Environment Interactions in Type 1 Diabetes
Genomes and Transcriptomes of Arctic Chromists (GTAC)
Genomic Analyses of Soil Micro-organisms
Genomic Approach to Identify Fungal Enzymes for Industrial Processes and Environmental Remediation
Genomic Point of Care testing (GPOCT) Viral Respiratory tract Infections (VRTIs)
Genomic selection for resilience in dairy calves
Genomic Tools for Diagnosis and Evaluation of Mental Retardation
Genomic-based approach to optimize the development of texturizing bacterial strains in yogurt
Genomics and proteomics platforms for vaccines and immune therapeutics discovery and development
Genomics and Public Health (GPH): Building Public “Goods”?
Genomics for Developing the first Canadian production ready strain of selectively bred Eastern Oyster
Genomics for the selection and improvement of potatoes
Genomics in Society:Responsibilities and Rights
Genomics of Milling Oat Breeding and Selection
Genomics of pediatric scoliosis innovation platform: from genes to comprehensive diagnostic assays
Genomics of the Spruce Budworm and its Viral Pathogens
Genomics Research For Optimization Of Constructed Treatment Wetlands For Water Remediation
Genomics Research on Atlantic Salmon Project (GRASP)
Genomics tools for the prediction of antifungal resistance in clinical samples
Genomics-enhanced biovigilance to improve crop disease management
Genomics-informed forest certification and wood traceability tools and protocols
Genotype-specific Approaches to Therapy in Childhood (GATC)
Genozymes for Bioproducts and Bioprocesses Development
Getting at Pests Early: Protecting Canada’s Forests against Invasive Alien Species by Next Generation Biosurveillance
GrapeGen - A Genomic Approach to the Identification of the Genetic and Environmental Components Underlying Berry Quality in Grapevine
GreenSNPs: an enabling technology for environmental genomics in aquatic or land animals and plants
Harnessing genomics for precision weed management in agriculture
High Throughput Genotyping and Sequencing Using Pooled DNA/RNA
High Throughput High-Dimensional Multi-Parametric Analysis of the Immune System
High Throughput Mutation Screening of Ion Channel Genes in Familial Neurological Disorders
High throughput transcriptomics screening for human health risk assessment
High-throughput Functional Genomics Using Modified Nucleic Acid (MoNA) Technologies
Host macrophage transcriptomic responses to M. Tuberculosis infection
Identification and Characterization of Genes Involved in Common Developmental Brain Diseases
Identification of Genetic Pathways that Regulate the Survival and Development of Cancer and Cancer Stem Cells
Identifying high-yield drug targets using human genetics: a proof of concept program
Improving Bioremediation of Polluted Soils through Environmental Genomics
Improving dairy cow health via nutrition
Improving the efficiency of drug discovery for rare genetic diseases by combining omics data and machine learning
Inflammatory bowel diseases Genomic Medicine Consortium (iGenoMed)
Initiative to create a Quebec reference resource for whole-genome sequencing (GenoRef-Q)
Innovative chemo-genomic tools to improve clinical outcome in acute myeloid leukemia
Innovative Genomic Applications to Develop Clinical Biomarkers and Novel Therapies for Common Iron Metabolism Disorders
Innovative solutions to identify in the environment the precursors of antibiotic resistance in bacteria
Integrated Proteomics Platforms for High-Throughput Biomarker Discovery and Validation
Integrating Polygenic Scores in Clinical Cardiogenetic
Integration into Québec's health system of a genomic test for predicting the risk of cardiac, cerebrovascular, and renal complications in diabetic patients of different ethnic origins
Integrative Biology
Integrative Genomics for Women’s Health Program
Interrogating and implementing Omics for precision medicine in acute myeloid leukemia
Investigating new ways to make spring wheat resistant to multiple diseases
Isothermal amplification-CRISPR/Cas12a based lateral flow assay for rapid detection of Campylobacter in poultry products
iTrackDNA: Non-destructive precision genomics for environmental impact tracking in a global climate change era
Laser-assisted single-cell genomics
Leucegene Project: Transcriptome sequencing to identify novel prognostic markers and therapeutic targets in acute myeloid leukemia
Leveraging genomics to achieve dairy net-zero
Liquid biopsy to detect and monitor minimal residual disease in patients with colorectal cancer liver metastasis
Lysozyme feed additives to improve gut health and productivity of food animals
Machine learning and precision medicine to curb atherosclerosis
Machine learning approaches for the design of bioactive antimicrobial peptides and to identify the relevant genetic regulatory network
Machine learning technology applied to the discovery of new vibrational spectroscopy biomarkers for the prognostication of intermediate-risk prostate cancer patients
Making Feed Go Further: Development and Commercialization of Next Generation Enzymes Supplement for Swine and Poultry
Mapping and Isolation of Genes Influencing Severity of Disease in Cystic Fibrosis
Mass Spectrometer-based Flow Cytometer, Methods and Applications
Matching MHC I-associated peptide spectra to sequencing reads using deep neural networks
McGill University and Génome Québec Innovation Centre
MELANO-PREDICT: development of a clinically applicable algorithm for prediction of checkpoint inhibitor response in melanoma
Metabolomics of ErbB2-induced breast tumors
MICROB-AI-R+, a new proteomics and AI-based technology for the detection of resistant pathogens in Urinary Tract Infections
MICROB-AI, towards a new generation of diagnosis tests for urinary tract infections (UTI)
Microbial Envirogenomics: Micro-organisms and their Interaction with the Environment
MicroGenNx: a new approach to characterize deep geological bodies using DNA belonging to native rock-dwelling microbial communities
MicroPaint: Rapid, real-time analysis of bacterial pathogens causing infections and resistant to antibiotics
MISO CHIP Microfluidic Platform: A new physiologically relevant preclinical ex vivo 3D metastatic tumor model for biomarker development and personalized medicine
Modeling and predicting the effect of genetic variants on brain structure and function
Molecular profiling of drug resistant triple negative breast cancer
Montreal Network for Pharmaco-Proteomics and Structural Genomics
MutaQuant: A powerful proteogenomic phenotyping tool for precision medicine
Nano-enabled Biostimulant for Sustainable Agriculture: Optimizing Scale-up Parameters through Genomic Approaches for commercialization
Nanopores and precision medicine: A quasi-instantaneous diagnosis to accelerate leukemia patient management
New Gene Targets for Personalized Medicine in Sarcoma
New integrative microbiome genomics approach for more sustainable alfalfa
New software to screen antibiotics that act on RNA
New test to rapidly diagnose infections
Next-generation molecular docking leveraging artificial intelligence techniques to understand large-scale ligand binding data sets
Next-generation predictive signatures for breast cancer
Next-generation sequencing approach to identify bipolar disorder genes
Non-Invasive Early Prenatal Screening for Fetal Aneuploidy
North American Conditional Mouse Mutagenesis Project: High Throughput Mammalian Functional Analysis for the Discovery of Novel Determinants of Human Disease
Novel Aminoglycoside Readthrough Therapy for Nonsense Mutations
Novel dimensionality reduction approaches for vector-based representations of expression profiles and chemical compounds to assist in the development of acute myeloid leukemia therapies
Novel Rapid Molecular Theranostic Technologies for Nucleic Acid Detection
Omics to close the loop: Optimized amendment from local agri-food waste for carbon footprint reduction
One Health Integrated Assessment Modeling of AMR by Incorporating Metagenomics into Surveillance
OptiFly: A platform for optimizing reproductive capacity and the bioconversion of food waste among black soldier flies using a genomic parentage assignment tool
Optimizing management and food safety of edible mealworms using genomics
Optimizing the eDNA approach to monitor biodiversity in Canada's Marine Protected Areas
PACE-'Omics: Personalized, Accessible, Cost-Effective applications of 'Omics technologies
PEGASUS-2: Personalized Genomics for Prenatal Abnormalities Screening Using Maternal Blood: Towards first-tier screening and beyond
PERFORM: Polyculture Environmental Resilience using FOrestry and biofood Rhizosphere Microbiota
Personalization of Treatment for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Personalized cancer immunotherapy
Personalized genomics for prenatal aneuploidy screening using maternal blood (PEGASUS)
Personalized medicine in the treatment of epilepsy
Personalized medicine strategies for molecular diagnostics and targeted therapeutics of cardiovascular diseases
Personalized risk assessment for prevention and early detection of breast cancer: Integration and Implementation
Personalized risk stratification for the prevention and early detection of breast cancer
Pharmacogenomics of Drug Efficacy and Toxicity in the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease
PIATEA: A portal for integrative approaches to transposable element annotation
Plasmonic PCR: Rapid Diagnostics through Plasmonics
Pleiades Promoter Project:
Genetic Resource for CNS Regional & Cell Specific Molecular Delivery
PLEUROGENE - Flatfish genomics: enhancing commercial culture of Atlantic halibut and Senegal sole
Portable SPR-based digital microfluidic array platform
Precise Medicine in Cellular Epigenomics
Precision Medicine CanPREVENT AMR: Applying precision medicine technologies in Canada to prevent antibody-mediated rejection and premature kidney transplant loss
Precision medicine in intensive care: leveraging machine learning models and ultra-fast RNA sequencing for better patient care in the context of the Strategic Research Funding Program “Human health and secondary use of data”
Predict to Prevent: A Novel Genomic-derived Score to Improve the Prognosis of Type 2 (T2D) Diabetes Patients at High Risk of Complications
Prevention of grapevine trunk diseases using a genomic tool for decision support
Production and engineering of market-ready lysozymes for food animals
Projects in Functional Genomics using Model Organisms
Protein Expression Profiling Platform for Heart Disease Biomarker Discovery
Proteomics and Functional Genomics: An Integrated Approach
Proteomics Technology Core Facility
Public Population Project in Genomics-CARTaGENE (P³G-CaG)
Quantum Dot Diagnostics: Simultaneous Genomic and Proteomic Profiling of Multiple Pathogens at Point-of-Care
Quick detection of norovirus in ready-to-eat foods using a compact microfluidic device
Rapid whole genome sequencing in acute care neonates and infants
Recherche québécoise sur la pharmacogénomique cardiovasculaire
Regulatory Genetics: Identification of Regulatory Polymorphisms in the Human Genome.
Regulatory Networks in Gene Expression: From the Genome to the Organism
Revolutionizing potato variety development for climate smart agriculture
RNA therapies for the treatment of a rare leukodystrophy
RosHAB: Rapid on-site detection of harmful algal blooms
Seaweed farming, strain selection, sweet kelp, climate change, genetic diversity
Second generation diagnostics: iMALDI-based assays for protein activity to improve patient selection for therapeutic Akt inhibitors in cancer treatment
Sensitive and Non-Invasive Approaches for Precision Diagnosis in Pediatric Oncology
Sheep production: Genomic-assisted genetic selection program
Simple microfluidic system for rapid and robust identification of pathogens by real-time PCR at point-of-care
Single exosome multi-omic analysis
SMarTForest: Spruce Marker Technologies for Sustainable Forestry
SoyaGen: Improving yield and disease resistance in short-season soybean
Spruce-Up: Advanced spruce genomics for productive and resilient forests
Stopping Enteric Illnesses Early (Sentinel)
Strengthening the Role of Genomics and Global Health
Structural and Functional Annotation of the Human Genome for Disease Study
Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC)
Synthetic Biosystems for the Production of High Value Plant Metabolites
Synthetic Specific Promoters as Enabler Tools for Cell, Gene and Tissue Therapy and Regenerative Medicine
Tackling childhood brain cancer at the root to improve survival and quality of life
Targeted and Useful Genomics for Barley and Oat (Tugboat)?
The Biomolecular Interaction Network Database (BIND)
The Canadian Pediatric Cancer Genome Consortium: Translating next-generation sequencing technologies into improved therapies for high-risk childhood cancer
The Canadian Potato Genome Project
The cartography of intestinal microbial communities in a non-human primate model system
The Centre for Applied Genomics
The Contribution of Genetic Modulators of Disease Severity in Cystic Fibrosis to other Diseases with Similarities of Clinical Phenotype
The Development of Enabling Technologies for Proteomics and Genomics Research
The Dynactome: Mapping Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Systems in Humans
The GRID Project: Gene Regulators in Disease
The Pathogenomics of Innate Immunity
The Protist EST Program
The RNA zipcode discovery pipeline: emerging tools for targeting therapeutic molecules at subcellular resolution
The RNA Zipcode Discovery Pipeline: Emerging tools for therapeutic targeting at subcellular resolution
The Stem Cell Genomics Project
The Transplant Transcriptome Project
Therapeutic bacteria programmed to eliminate tumours
Therapeutic development platform: targeting metabolism in cancer therapy
TooT Suite: Predication and classification of membrane transport proteins
Towards personalized medicine in the management of epilepsy: a machine learning approach in the interpretation of large-scale genomic data
Towards single-cell metabolomics: uncovering the metabolic heterogeneity and architecture of solid cancers
Translating Science: Genomics and Health Systems
Triploid mussel genomics program
Understanding Prokaryotic Genome Evolution and Diversity
Understanding the interplay between Clavibacter michiganensis, tomato, and a biological control agent
Unmatched multiplexicity, throughput, and sensitivity for next generation protein quantitation (nexProQ)
Unraveling the origins of Canadian cattle: archaeogenetic insights into domestication in the Americas
Use of Genomic Tools for Crop Improvements in Temperate Climates
Use of genomics approaches to study the mode of action of a novel nano-enabled biostimulant (nOB9) and its impact on root nodulation and soil microbial health
Use of genomics to manage and protect caribou populations
Using avirulence markers to predict the phenotypes of clubroot pathotypes from East Canada
Using chemogenomic data to improve drug predictions based on machine learning
Using the gut microbiome as biomarker for colorectal cancer screening in Québec
Using whole genome sequencing to build a bridge between human exposure to antimicrobial resistant foodborne pathogens and the resulting burden of disease and associated healthcare costs
Validation of the use of the EcoToxChip test system for regulatory decision-making
Viral Proteomics
Whole exome resequencing in familial neural tube defects
Whole-genome embryo sequencing for improved IVF outcomes
YCharOS – Antibody Characterization for Open Science – from viruses to human proteins
“ Community Involvement is in our DNA ”: Génome Québec launches a new program for its employees
“Every dollar we invested to map the human genome returned $140 to our economy”
$ 1.8 million for research on Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis
$1.5 million to support cancer research by leveraging data!
$20 million invested in genomics research
$3.6 million in funding for genomic solutions in agriculture, bio-food, and environment
$300,000 as part of Québec Vert competition
$3M to accelerate the integration of genomics into clinical practice
1,000 sequencing runs at the Centre d’expertise et de service Génome Québec
10 percent of aortic valve disease explained by genes discovery
15 years of Genomics in Québec - from Research to Economic Development
1st International Congress on Personalized Health Care
2015 Competition: Bioinformatics and computational biology
2015-2016 Annual Report
2019 Budget : 7.5 million invested in the development of genomics in Québec
40 years of history for the Sainte-Justine University Hospital Research Center
A $6.5-million Canadian Foundation for Innovation funding for CHU Sainte-Justine and Université de Montréal
A 400,000th sample genotyped and a billion genotypes analyzed!
A Better Prenatal Test: Reducing Risk for Pregnant Women
A first! A presentation in French on!
A genetic defect in sex cells may predispose to childhood leukemia
A genomic test for safer prenatal screening implemented in the Québec health care system
A major acquisition for our technology services center
A major study finally reveals the secrets on the genetics of breast cancer
A Montréal invention to detect genetic anomalies
A new initiative to facilitate the implementation of personalized medicine in Canada
A new PacBio CSP certification for McGill University and Génome Québec Innovation Centre
A new President and CEO at the helm of Génome Québec
A new video presents the future of genomics in Québec
A not-to-be-missed event!
A partnership to fund research for hereditary ataxias
A partnership to fund research on cystic fibrosis
A Québec researcher working with a team from British Columbia to protect Canadian forests against pests
A strategic collaboration between IVADO and Génome Québec
A well-deserved retirement for Daniel Coderre, President and CEO of Génome Québec
A Woman to Lead the Génome Québec Board of Directors
Access to data and samples from the Biobanque québécoise de la COVID-19
Alain Moreau - Publication in European Spine Journal
An article of Pr. Vincent Martin about the dihydrosanguinarine in Nature
An investment of nearly $16.5 million for health and environmental solutions
Announcement – Vice Presidency, Scientific Affairs, Génome Québec
Announcement of the new President and CEO of Génome Québec
Announcement of winning projects - Innovative therapies for hereditary ataxias
Banana's Genes Unpeeled
Barack Obama says yes to personalized medicine
Bartha Maria Knoppers Awarded l'Ordre national du Québec
Bartha Maria Knoppers to Accept the Esteemed Till & McCulloch Award
Better donor-recipient match with genomics
Better sharing of genetic information in human health
Beyond the poppy: a new method of opium production
Big data: Québec stands out in genomics in the fields of bioinformatics and computational biology
BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology
BioCanRx Funding Opportunity
Biomed Connect: An Academia-Industry Networking Event
Breast cancer preventive therapies by genetic screening
Breast cancer: a simple saliva test to evaluate the risk of developing the disease
Breeding Better Oysters with genomics
Budget 2019 : Excellent news for genomics research in Canada
Call for applications for ICPerMed’s « Best practice in Personalised Medecine » Award
Call for collaboration : Program AI in genomics
Call for Poster Abstracts: Notice to all genomics research trainees
Call for proposals - National initiative for the clinical implementation of precision health
Canada SynBio 2020 is postponed
Canadian 2019 Novel Coronavirus Rapid Research Funding Opportunity
Canadian researchers identify the unanticipated early origin of childhood brain cancer
Canadian researchers lead groundbreaking discovery in deadly childhood cancer
Canadian Trends in Genomics
Canadians lead in transforming genomic data into knowledge to drive medical innovations
CARTaGENE hosts its first Symposium
CARTaGENE: the largest ongoing prospective health study of men and women in Quebec
Catalina López Correa conference - Genomics and Natural Resources
Celebrating 15 years!
Childhood Epilepsy - Discovery of new genes
CHMS Biobank: Call for proposals
CHU Sainte-Justine - creation of a Centre for Rare Genetic Disorders
CHU Sainte-Justine announces the creation of Canada's first Intellectual Disability Research Chair
Closer to personalized medicine with the 1000 Genomes Project
Communicating Life Sciences to the Public: Winners of Tweete tes neurones
Concordia Professor Awarded $6M for Uncovering Antibiotic Alternatives
Concordia University agrifood researchers receive major funding
Congratulations to Anie Perrault, new Executive Manager of BioQuébec
Congratulations to Dr. Alain Moreau who received the Ernest-Charron Award
Congratulations to Dr. Guy Sauvageau, Radio-Canada’s 2014 Scientist of the Year
Congratulations to Dr. Thomas J. Hudson, Recipient of the Order of Canada
Congratulations to Guy Rouleau, recipient of a Gairdner Award
Congratulations to Joanne Castonguay on her appointment as Health and Welfare Commissioner
Congratulations to Patrice Allibert and the team at GenePOC
Congratulations to Philip Awadalla who received the 2012 Joe Doupe Young Investigator Award
Congratulations to the team at Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont
Congratulations to the EpiShare project named in the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health
Congratulations to the Québec teams for their performance in the 2012 Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Competition
Consultations for the Tri-Agency Research Data Management Policy
Coordinated protein breakdown and synthesis: a key to healthy growth of cells
COP15 - Génome Québec Family Zone
COVID-19 - Unprecedented research combining genomics and artificial intelligence
COVID-19 – A New Initiative from the Québec Research Sector
CQDM Québec-Ontario 2012 / Call for proposals
Creation of a new program to accelerate genomics discovery to market
Dawn of a new era for children: Introducing Canada’s first integrated clinical genomic centre in pediatrics
Demystify CRISPR : a must-see panel!
Detailed genetic study provides most comprehensive map to date of breast cancer risk
Did you know that March is GE3LS Month?
Did you know that today is DNA Day?
Discover our new video on sustainable development
Discovery of a new gene variant linked to Alzheimer's disease
Discovery of a novel heart and gut disease: The genetic mutation involved would date back to 12th century Vikings
Discovery of the Year: the public votes for the team of Dr. Sauvageau!
Disovery of genetic variations to better understand breast cancer
Disruptive Innovation in Genomics - Notice of upcoming funding opportunity
DNA Express Newsletter: Don't forget to subscribe to stay abreast of news and events
Don't miss CellCAN's First Pancanadian Strategic Forum - Cell and Gene Therapy revolution
Don't miss the 2016 edition of the Rendez-Vous Génome Québec
Don't miss the Genomics and Precision Health Networking Event
Don't miss the next Rendez-Vous Génome Québec
Dr. Alain Moreau, new Director of the CHU Sainte-Justine
Dr. Claude Perreault and Dr. Guy Sauvageau received grants of more than one million dollar
Dr. Daniel Gaudet Receives the Biotechnology of Tomorrow Award at the 2012 Genesis Award Gala
Dr. Guy Rouleau awarded the 2012 Prix du Québec Wilder-Penfield
Dr. Thomas J. Hudson Appointed to the Génome Québec Board of Directors
EFFERVESCENCE 2019 : The Future of Life Sciences
ENCODE: Your DNA as you've never imagined
Epigenetic study tabs genes linked to allergies, asthma
European funding opportunity for Québec's researchers
Excellent results for Québec: Genomics Innovation Network
Family activities on biodiversity a resounding success
Fifteen high-school students explore the wonders of genomics
Forest genomics on the agenda of the Natural Resources Forum
Forest Genomics: A major partnership between Université Laval and Oxford University
Forest Genomics: How to predict the best trees for reforestation
FP7 - 2012 Calls for Proposals - With Targeted Opportunities for Canadians
Fred Sanger, the quiet giant of genomics, dies at the age of 95
Funding available for hereditary orphan diseases research
Funding Awarded to Detect E. coli in Food Processing Facilities
Funding for innovative therapies for hereditary ataxias
Funding innovative projects to counter hereditary ataxias
Funding opportunity for doctoral scholarships in bioinformatics and cancer
Funding opportunity from Génome Québec and ArcticNet
GAPP Projects: Genomics solutions in agriculture, agrifood, health and the environment
Genes associated with infantile forms of schizophrenia identified
Genetic breakthrough for brain cancer in children
Genetic discovery in Montreal for a rare disease in Newfoundland
Genetic make-up of children explains how they fight malaria infection
Genetic testing for dummies!
Genome Brings Ancient Girl to Life
Genome Canada - Upcoming funding opportunity
Genome Canada and SSHRC Joint Initiative on Societal Implications of Disruptive Innovation in Genomics
Genome Canada Competition
Genome Canada launches national initiative to bring precision health to patients
Genome Canada Webinar on the Genomic Application Partnership Program (GAPP)
Genome Canada’s Genomics Technology Platforms Competition - Two other Québec researchers receive funding
Génome Québec - Proud partner of the 12th Québec City Healthcare Industry Forum
Génome Québec 2012-2013 Annual Report
Génome Québec activities remains operational
Génome Québec and Cystic Fibrosis Canada partner to launch: Tackle rare, orphan CTFR mutations
Génome Québec and the Fonds de recherche – Nature et technologies announce a $2.6 M partnership to support innovation as part of the economic recovery initiative
Génome Québec annonces an Investment of $4.5 M through the new public-private partnership program for Genomics solutions in Heath
Génome Québec announces an overall investment of $18.4 M in innovative research projects on the environment
Génome Québec announces the appointment of its new Vice President, Scientific Affairs
Génome Québec announces the appointment of its new Vice President, Technology Centres
Génome Québec applauds the appointment of Mona Nemer as Canada’s new Chief Science Advisor
Génome Québec celebrates DNA Day!
Génome Québec celebrates its 20th anniversary
Génome Québec commends the federal government’s contribution to research
Génome Québec congratulates the new Government
Génome Québec congratulates the teams of Guillaume Bourque, Yann Joly and Tomi Pastinen
Génome Québec congratulates two Québec researchers named Officers of the Order of Canada
Génome Québec Goes Digital and Recruits a Recognized Expert in Bioinformatics and Genomics from Toronto
Génome Québec invests up to $500,000 to boost RNA therapeutics innovation in Quebec
Génome Québec is proud to celebrate DNA Day
Génome Québec is proud to recognize a major investment by AmorChem for Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Génome Québec is proud to recognize the International Rare Disease Day
Génome Québec is proud to salute the FRQS 50th anniversary
Génome Québec is proud to support the Genome Project-write Canada event
Génome Québec receives $40M for genomics and personalized health
Génome Québec receives more than $56 million to support its research and innovation activities
Génome Québec recruits heavyweight of the Québec research community
Génome Québec salutes four Québec researchers in precision medicine
Génome Québec salutes the 2nd Conifer Genome Summit
Génome Québec salutes the creation of a research Chair in cardiovascular genetics
Génome Québec supports Montreal Cancer Consortium (MCC)
Génome Québec very proud to partner with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Génome Québec welcomes $1.4 billion investment to support research and innovation
Génome Québec welcomes genomics expert from France
Génome Québec welcomes National Research and Innovation Policy
Génome Québec welcomes the decision by the Federal Government
Génome Québec would like to commend the excellence of Québec researchers!
Génome Québec, proud partner of the Grand défi Pierre Lavoie
Genomic atlas of gene switches in plants
Genomic Monitoring of Pathogens in Water (GeMPaW)
Genomics - for a more profitable and sustainable forestry sector
Genomics - for accurate, timely and effective solutions in health care
Genomics - for maintaining a clean, safe and sustainable environment
Genomics - to boost Canada's outputs in the mining sector
Genomics and agriculture - for competitive and innovative products
Genomics and Feeding the Future: 2014 Research Competition
Genomics featured in a Curiosity on Stage Evening Event!
Genomics in the digital age: IVADO and Génome Québec foster interdisciplinary research
Genomics in the spotlight at the BIO International Convention in San Diego
Genomics Integration Program - Human Health
Genomics to Improve Food Safety
Genomics working for the economy and the environment
Genomics working in support of developing countries
Genomics: from the lab to the radio
GenoRem at the 9th International Phyto Society Conference
Genovalia, Québec's first centre for the exploitation of non-human genomics data, kicks off its activities
Good news for forest genomics: major expansion of Université Laval's teaching and research forest
Google Doodle honors the Black Lady of DNA
Great performance of Québec researchers at the last GAPP
Harnessing Genomics to Improve Human Health and the Environment
High-calibre leaders appointed to the Génome Québec Board of Directors
Host–microbe interactions have shaped the genetic architecture of inflammatory bowel disease
Hotspot Mutations in H3F3A and IDH1 Define Distinct Epigenetic and Biological Subgroups of Glioblastoma
How timber detectives use DNA tests to track the trade in stolen wood
If science can save lives, can we do without it?
In2novation contributes to relaunching the economy by supporting innovation
Inauguration of the Genomics Centre of the Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec
Inflammatory bowel disease: scientists zoom in on genetic culprits
Innovative approaches to treat adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
International Colloquium on the Global Impact of Genomics
International Day of Forests
Investment of nearly $50 million for a new cutting-edge Canada-wide health data platform
Investments of $70 million to support genomics research and increase food system resilience in the face of climate change
Invitation for a recruitment activity with postdoctorates in San Diego
IP and Genomics
Jennifer Stoddart admitted as Knight of the Ordre national du Québec.
Joint federal and provincial announcement: Funding of more than $21 million for genomics in Québec
Josette-Renée Landry appointed President and CEO of Génome Québec
Julie Valdemarin-Burnier wins the Rendez-Vous Génome Québec Competition
La Boucle du GDPL: Génome Québec congratulates its team of cyclists
Large IHEC Data Release: Over 5500 datasets now accessible via the IHEC Data Portal
Last chance to submit your abstract for the 2nd International Congress on Personalized Health Care (ICPHC)
Launch of a new competition in Agriculture, Agri-food, Fisheries and Aquaculture
Launch of a new Genome Canada competition in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (B/CB)
Launch of Genovalia, the first non-human genomic data exploitation centre in Québec
Launch of new Website: Everything you always wanted to know about genomics!
Launch of the Genome Canada Climate Action Genomics Initiative - Climate -Smart Agriculture and Food Systems
Launch of the new Genome Canada 2017 Large-Scale Applied Research Project Competition - Genomics and Precision Health
Launch of the Personalized Medicine Partnership for Cancer
Launch of the Québec Genomic Data Centre
Launching Disruptive Innovation Competition
Laurent Tessier, saved by genomic profiling
Les Rendez-vous Génome Québec 2023 – Genomic medicine
Let’s Talk About Risk: Personalizing Breast Cancer Risk Prediction
Leucégène project: New breakthrough in the molecular characterization of acute myeloid leukemia
Linearis Opened its New Laboratory
Major breakthrough in Genomics and Precision Health: Nada Jabodo’s team uncovers the cellular origin of aggressive pediatric brain tumors.
Major breakthrough in the quest for cancer vaccine
Major breakthrough thanks to leukemic stem cells
Major investments to protect Canadians from Listeriosis
Marc Bergeron Appointed Vice President, Finance
McGill University and Génome Québec Innovation Centre nets key funding for groundbreaking epigenetics research
McGill University and Génome Québec Symposium
Mission eDNA
Montréal researchers discover a new crucial gene associated with leukodystrophies
More than $19 million for sustainable genomic solutions in human health and agrifood in Québec
More than $23 million for solutions in sustainable Agriculture and Human Health in Québec
Must read in Science: A study by Pr. Philip Awadalla on the variations in genetic material found in mitochondria
Mutations in TMEM231 cause Joubert syndrome in French Canadians
National Geographic interested in a discovery by Pr. Guillaume Bourque published in a Nature publication
Natural Resources and the Environment - Upcoming funding opportunity
Networking Event - LSARP 2020
New cause of child blindness identified
New Discoveries for Cancer Risk
New financing opportunity for genomic solutions in Agriculture and Bio-food, Forestry and Environment
New financing opportunity for genomic solutions in agriculture and bio-food, forestry and environment
New funding opportunity for research on rare diseases
New funding opportunity for research on the Ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay
New Genome Canada competition - Genomics Technology Platforms
New Genome Canada Competition in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
New Genome Canada funding opportunity
New genomics research project to eliminate Listeria from food supply
New HiSeq X: The Innovation Centre is considerably increasing its production capacity
New horizons for synthetic biology
New pan-Canadian program to accelerate data sharing in biomedical research and patient care
New series of Canadian bioinformatic workshops May-June 2015
New study to determine risk of Down syndrome
New test to rapidly diagnose infections
New, safer prenatal screening solution could soon be available
Notice of Upcoming Funding Opportunity
Omics and machine learning for rare genetic diseases
Order of Canada is bestowed on Dr. Guy A. Rouleau
Our new Annual Report is available online!
Ovarian and endometrial cancers: $ 6M closer to a lifesaving screening pap test
Over $2.5 million for genomics solutions in agriculture and biofood, forestry and environment
Over $2.5 Million in funding for genomics solutions in agriculture and bio-food, forestry and environment
Over $4 million for genomics solutions in health
Over $4.5 Million for genomic solutions to counter antimicrobial resistance and prepare for future pandemics
Over $5.1 million in funding for genomic solutions in health
Panel - Health innovations and public understanding: The urgent need to close the gap
Passing of Dr. Fernand Labrie
Personalized Medicine: A breakthrough for children diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency
Phase 2 study of cystinosis treatment receives authorization of clinical trial application by Health Canada
Plants, fungi and bacteria work together to clean polluted land
Potentially lethal disease...genomics to save lives!
Pr. Bartha Maria Knoppers of McGill University named Great Montrealer
Pr. Bernatchez was awarded the 2012 Prix du Québec Marie-Victorin
Pr. Guillaume Bourque receives funding from CANARIE for GenAP
Pr. Jacques Simard of Université Laval honored at the 73rd ACFAS Gala
Pr. Paul Lasko fro McGill University awarded the Prix du Québec Armand-Frappier
Prevention saves life
Professor Lap-Chee Tsui, Genomic Scientist, is named the winner of the 2014 Henry G. Friesen International Prize in Health Research.
Québec and France - United in making genomics work for Citizens and Society
Québec and France join forces in genomics research
Québec boasts strong track record in research
Québec Embraces Specialized Training in Genomics
Quebec Forum on Genetic Discrimination
Québec Government reiterates its confidence in Génome Québec
Québec Life Sciences Forum - Génome Québec wants to recreate the Québec advantage
Québec patients poised to benefit from major investments in genomics research and precision health
Québec Researcher Catches DNA “Spelling Mistakes” Linked to Breast Cancer
Québec Researchers Ahead of the Curve in Disruptive Technologies
Quebec researchers and international collaborators identify a new breast cancer gene
Quebec researchers receive funding to fight salmonellosis and improve soybean production
Relocation of Génome Québec's technology platforms
Rendez-vous Génome Québec - Genomic medicine
Rendez-Vous Génome Québec 2019
Request for Applications Natural resources and the environment
Researchers Discover Eight New Epilepsy Genes
Researchers Evaluate Cost-Effectiveness of Non-invasive Prenatal Screening in Quebec
Researchers find genetic cause for body tremors
Rob Annan to Lead Genome Canada
Robert Klein Advocates for Public Funding of Genomics in Québec
Royal Society of Canada 2015 - McGill University Scientists Honoured
Scientific Project Collects Health Data On 1 In 200 Quebecers
Scientists Dig Up All the Facts on Spruce DNA
Search for partners in an international call for proposals in agrifood and environment
Sex has another benefit: it makes humans less prone to disease over time
Strategic sessions final reports - 2020 Large-Scale Applied Research Project Competition: Genomic Solutions for Natural Resources and the Environment
Stratégie québécoise de recherche et d'investissement en innovation 2022-2027 - A more than promising future for the development of genomics
Submission - ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation du Québec
Submission - ministère des Finances du Québec
Sustainable agriculture and climate
Sweden: First Conifer Genome Sequencing Summit
Sylvain Moineau awarded l'Ordre national du Québec
Sylvain Moineau awarded the 2019 Prix du Québec Marie-Victorin
Take a look at Mission ADN-eau video
The Christmas tree and its genome have remained very much the same over the last 100 million years
The Coolest Hotspot: Québec's Life Sciences and Health Technologies Ecosystem Joins Promotion Forces Abroad
The future of your health lies in your DNA!
The Governement of Canada is partnering with Génome Québec to better trace viruses in Canada's food supply
The latest edition of our newsletter is now online!
The Nobel Prize in Medicine 2012: geneticists honored
The second international conference on holobionts will take place in Montréal
The Université de Montréal pays tribute to our top Quebec researchers
The Viscogliosi Molecular Genetics Laboratory of Musculoskeletal Disorders - winner of the Premio Venezia 10th edition
Three Centres of Excellence are awarded Genome Canada’s Genomics Technology Platforms Operations Support and Technology Development Funds
Three exceptional women join the Génome Québec Board of Directors
Three seasoned members recruited for the Génome Québec Board of Directors
To learn all about the state of Canada's Science Culture
To learn more on Genetic Discrimination
TV coverage on Découverte: genomics at the rescue of rare diseases
Two new female members join the Génome Québec Board
Two new members on the Board of Directors
Two Québec projects win under the Canadian partnership program between academics and industry
Two Québec Researchers Funded to Study the Societal Implications of Genomics Research
Two simultaneous events in Québec for the CIHR - Genetics Institute
UCB Canada supports efforts to identify personalized treatment approach for drug-resistant epilepsy
Umbilical cord blood: a new molecule will facilitate its use
Understand your genome
Understanding the effects of genes on human traits
Unique collaboration to combat deadly disease found in pigs
Upcoming funding opportunity
Vitamin B12 deficiency: tracking the genetic causes
Webinar - One billion pieces of data and growing: Canada’s Living Population Laboratory Overview, Case Studies & Access Guide
When the infinitely small generates big possibilities!
White spruce in the sights of researchers
Whole Genome Sequencing of CARTaGENE, the population cohort of Québec
World AIDS day: research must continue!
World Anti-Doping Agency and the Fonds de recherche du Québec have joined together to launch a Request for Applications that aims to develop biomarkers of doping
World Cancer Day
World scientists gather in Montréal to discuss obesity, heart disease and other ailments of modern times
World-wide breakthrough in Québec - first vaccine agains the Zika virus