CES offers a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) detection service and a complete de novo plasmid sequencing service using primer extension. Please contact the Client Management Office to find out which option is best suited to your project.
The next-generation SNP detection/validation sequencing service includes :
- Design and ordering of primers for target regions
- Amplification of target regions with Fluidigm Access Array™ technology (if applicable)
- Sequencing of amplicons using various next-generation technologies (Illumina NovaSeq, NextSeq or PacBio)
- SNP detection by comparison between between test samples or against a reference sequence
- Preparation and dispatch of a variation analysis report, including annotation of the variations found
SNP detection/validation by Sanger sequencing service includes :
- Design and ordering of primers for target regions
- PCR amplification of target regions from genomic DNA of test samples
- Sequencing of amplicons
- SNP detection by comparison between test samples or against a reference sequence
- Preparation and submission of a variation analysis report, including annotation of the variations found
The de novo sequencing service includes :
- Sanger-type sequencing
- Design and ordering of all primers required for complete plasmid sequencing