Montréal, June 11, 2024 – Génome Québec and the Fonds de recherche du Québec – secteur nature et technologies (FRQ), are particularly excited to announce the 15 research projects that have won major funding throught the third round of the Genomics Integration Program – Agriculture and Biofood, Forestry and Environment. The total investment, including public and private partners, represents nearly $3.6 million.
The research projects were selected as part of the funding cycle launched at the end of last summer and will use genomics to help industry and public organizations address issues in biodiversity, animal health, water quality and ecosystem health, as well as the detection of pathogens, pests and invasive species.
“The projects supported as part of this third cycle of the Genomics Integration Program will enable researchers to work in close collaboration with various stakeholders to develop innovative and sustainable genomics-based solutions to crucial issues in agriculture, bio-food and environmental fields. Congratulations to the recipients”, says Stéphanie Lord-Fontaine, Vice-President, Scientific Affairs at Génome Québec.
“I would like to warmly congratulate the winning teams, whose cutting-edge research on a variety of themes will ensure a better understanding of issues relating to biodiversity, ecosystem health and animal health, in particular. I’m very proud of the partnership and of the Genomics Integration Program – Agriculture and Biofood, Forestry and Environment, which aims to preserve the global health of our planet,” says Janice Bailey, Scientific Director of the Fonds de recherche du Québec – secteur Nature et technologies.
Congratulations to the recipients
- Allison Bain, Université Laval, in partnership with the Association de mise en valeur de la race bovine Canadienne – Unraveling the Origins of Canadian Cattle: Archaeogenetic Insights into Domestication in the Americas
- Bérenger Bourgeois, Université Laval, Élise Smedbol and Richard Hogue, Institut de recherche et de développement en agroenvironnement (IRDA), in partnership with the ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ) – Harnessing Genomics for Precision Weed Management in Agriculture
- Irene Gregory-Eaves, Lars Iversen and Ioannis Ragoussis, McGill University, in partnership with the ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP) – Genetic tools for early detection of aquatic exotic invasive plants in Québec waters
- Jessica Head, McGill University, in partnership with Environment and Climate Change Canada and the MELCCFP – Developing Water Quality Guidelines from Genes of Native Fish Larvae
- Carl Julien, Centre de recherche en sciences animales de Deschambault (CRSAD), in partnership with Probiotech International – Avian Coccidiosis in Broiler Chickens: Natural Products to Counteract Drug Resistance
- Isabelle Lavoie, Institut national de recherche scientifique (INRS) and Stéphane Campeau, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR), in partnership with MELCCFP – Assessing Watercourse Quality with DNA from Microscopic Algae
- Daniel E. Rico, CRSAD, in partnership with Sollio Agriculture – Improving dairy cow health via nutrition
- Yves St-Pierre and Frédéric Veyrier, INRS, in partnership with Parks Canada – Genetic Exploration: Revealing the Concealed Health of Our National Park
Génome Québec would also like to highlight its funding for the following recipient projects:
- Nabeel Alnahhas, Université Laval, in partnership with Couvoir Scott – Enhancing Fertility Assessment in Male Broiler Breeders through Blood Markers
- Stéphanie Beauseigle, Biopterre, in partnership with Filières PFNL and Cultures innovantes du Bas-Saint-Laurent – Assessing Eastern Filbert Blight Resistance in Hazelnut Seedlings for Genetic Improvement in Nordic Climates
- Philippe Constant, INRS, in partnership with Ulysse Biotech – AI Model Predicting Microbial Interactions to Drive Biocontrol Solutions
- Steve Labrie, Université Laval, in partnership with Ribozome – Optimizing Management and Food Safety of Edible Mealworms Using Genomics
- Xiaonan Lu and Qian Liu, University McGill, in partnership with Olymel – Quick Detection of Norovirus in Ready-to-Eat Foods Using a Compact Microfluidic Device
- Silvia Barcellos Rosa and Tanya Copley, Centre de recherche sur les grains (CÉROM), in partnership with the Producteurs de grains du Québec, SeCan and OR Genética – Investigating new ways to make spring wheat resistant to multiple diseases
- Martina Strömvik, McGill University, in partnership with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada – Genomics for the selection and improvement of potatoes
What is the Genomics Integration Program – Agriculture and Biofood, Forestry and Environment?
This program supports projects ranging from $100,000 to $300,000 by covering half of the funding for partnerships between academic researchers and users partners capable of implementing and/or commercializing the research results. The funds must be used to develop a proof of concept that can be leveraged to secure subsequent funding. The funds can also be used to help the user partner integrate the proof-of-concept results at the end of the project. Projects must relate to fields such as agriculture and biofood, forestry, and the environment and include an omics technology component—for example, the development of new omics technology, the use of artificial intelligence to mine omics data, genetic engineering, synthetic biology, etc.
About Génome Québec
Génome Québec’s mission is to catalyze the development and excellence of genomics research and promote its integration and democratization. It is a pillar of the Québec bioeconomy and contributes to Québec’s influence and its social and sustainable development. The funds invested by Génome Québec are provided by the ministère de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et de l’Énergie du Québec (MEIE), the government of Canada, through
Genome Canada, and private partners. To learn more, visit
About the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies
The FRQNT’s mission is to support and promote research and the next generation of researchers in their excellence, diversity and openness, to stimulate discovery and innovation. Through its strategic orientations, FRQNT aims to attract diversified, creative and agile research talent, ensuring an innovative workforce for society as a whole; to propel open and fundamental research, generating breakthrough discoveries; and to position research as a key to responding to partner issues and major societal challenges.
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Laura Castrec
Programs Manager
FRQ – secteur NT
418 643-8560, extension 3287