Genome Québec is happy to report that Dr. Lucy Gilbert’s research team will receive $ 6.24 million in Genomics Applications Partnership Program (GAPP) funding grant to finalize the development of DOvEEgene (Detecting Ovarian and Endometrial cancers Early using genomics)—a screening test that could save thousands of lives every year in Canada and millions of lives worldwide. To learn more about the study, click here.
Together, endometrial and ovarian cancers affect about 10,000 women in Canada every year and are responsible for more than 3,000 deaths. But despite escalating costs, cure rates associated with these cancers have not changed in 30 years. This is because most deaths are caused by the high-grade subtypes, which have no clear symptoms and continue to be diagnosed in Stages III and IV, when the cancer has silently metastasized outside gynecological organs to involve vital organs.
The GAPP partners—Genome Canada, Genome Quebec and the MUHC Foundation—will contribute a third of the funds respectively to bring the DOvEEgene test through the final clinical trial needed for it to be implemented as a standard of care. DOvEEgene is one of eight Canadian projects awarded funding through the GAPP competition from Genome Canada (Round 16)—and recipient of the biggest award.
To read McGill University Health Center press release, click here.
To read Genome Canada press release, click here.
Photo credit : McGill University Health Center (MUHC)