The IHEC Data Portal was developed to integrate and distribute datasets produced by various IHEC (International Human Epigenome Consortium) member consortia. The Portal was created by the team of Dr. Guillaume Bourque at McGill University, through a project funded under the CIHR Canadian Epigenetics, Environment, and Health Research Consortium (CEEHRC). The Portal implements a database and a graphical interface that currently hosts 5667 epigenomic datasets. It provides an overview of all the whole genome experiments produced by IHEC members, categorized by providers, tissue types and assay types. It implements a dynamic grid that can be used to navigate through the datasets and provides links to either visualize the data in a genome browser or download it. A new feature expected for the Data Portal in the near future is a tool for correlation analysis, to provide insights on the similarity of different assays and tissues. By facilitating data distribution and interpretation, the IHEC Data Portal helps accelerate the translation of epigenomics knowledge into health and disease applications. The Portal has also received support from CANARIE, Génome Québec, Génome Canada and Compute Canada.

To read the press release, click here.


To access the portal, click here.