The results of a major study on the risk of developing breast cancer were published this week in Nature Genetics. 

Génome Québec would like to highlight the participation of researcher Jacques Simard, Canada Research Chair in Oncogenetics at Université Laval and a researcher at the genomics centre of the CHU de Québec-Université Laval Research Centre, is one of the five principal investigators who led this study as part of the PERSPECTIVE project.

The results of the study provide the most comprehensive map of breast cancer risk variants to date. The researchers involved, from over 450 departments and institutions worldwide, say the findings will help provide the most detailed picture yet of how differences in our DNA put some women at greater risk than others of developing the disease.

To read the article in Nature Genetics, click here.

To read the press release from Cambridge University, click here

PERSPECTIVE is one of the large-scale research projects led by Jacques Simard and Anna Maria Chiarelli (Cancer Care Ontario, Toronto University). This project is funded, among others, by Genome Canada et Génome Québec within the Genomics and Precision Health competition.

To learn more about the project, click here.