This conference celebrates twelve years of achievements in genomics research in Canada due to the efforts of Genome Canada and the regional Genome Centres, and commemorates the ten-year anniversary of the Gairdner Foundation’s “Year of the Genome”, where eight prominent genome scientists received the International Award for their exceptional contributions to genomics research.
Travel Awards are available to attend Genomics: The Power and the Promise, November 27 & 28, 2012, in Ottawa.
The purpose of the poster session is to create opportunities for genomics trainees in all sectors (Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Fisheries, Forestry, Health, and Mining) and GE3LS – the ethical, environmental, economic, legal and social aspects of genomics research – to share their research with delegates.
All poster abstracts will be reviewed by a committee after the deadline date of September 4, 2012 and up to 30 posters may be accepted for the conference. You will be notified by e-mail about whether or not your abstract has been accepted by October 1, 2012. Decisions of the selection committee are final.
Accepted abstracts will be published in booklet format for distribution to conference delegates and subsequently in a special edition of Genome, an international scientific journal published by the NRC Research Press.
The Planning Committee for the Conference is pleased to announce that all posters presented at the conference will, unless the presenter specifically requests otherwise, be considered for cash prizes. Travel, hotel and registration costs (including the Gala dinner at the National Gallery) will be covered for all those who are selected to present a poster.
Deadline for Abstracts – September 4, 2012
For more information, click here.