Génome Québec is proud to highlight the work of its staff at the Centre d’expertise et de services, located at CHU Sainte-Justine, who have completed 1,000 sequencing runs on the Illumina NovaSeq 6000. This is a first in Québec…and in Canada!


This represents more than 150,000 sequenced samples, including 6,000 exomes, 40,000 transcriptomes and 40,000 genomes, all species combined. Among these, 2,200 human whole genomes were sequenced from the CARTaGENE cohort samples, as part of the GenoRef-Q initiative. All of which contributed to the work of 420 research teams!


“We are very pleased to have reached this important milestone and we continue to support the scientific community by ensuring the development and excellence of various genomics research projects. We are also very proud of the high level of expertise of our operational teams who continue to provide state-of-the-art service to all our clients. I would like to thank our partner Illumina for their support and their offer of cutting-edge genomics platforms,” said Patrick Blondin, Vice President, Technology Centres, Génome Québec.


“The dedication of Genome Quebec, serving as a key funding agency and as the country’s largest genome service center, has fueled genomic discoveries across Canada. Congrats on your 1000th run, a milestone accomplishment with the NovaSeqTM 6000 system that offers deep and broad coverage through advanced applications for a comprehensive view of the genome. High-throughput sequencing will unlock a full spectrum of genetic variation and biological function in Canada and worldwide,” shares Michael Gallad, General Manager – Canada and Latin America, Illumina.